1. Open the app store on your phone and search for 'Netatmo Weather'.
2. Download the app and open it.
3. Click on login and log in with your credentials.
4. Once you are logged in, click on the 3 dashes at the top left of the screen.
5. Click on 'Install new products' and then 'additional modules for the smart weather station'.
6. Connect the Pro sensor to an adapter or usb cable if not already done.
Select the sensor to which you want to connect the new module.
Follow the steps on the screen.
-Select the network you are using and click next.
7. If a red minus sign(-) is visible. Click on it to remove it. This is for example when you replace a broken module. Then click the + to add a new outdoor module.
8. Insert the batteries into the outdoor module. You can open it by turning the bottom to the left. Loosen the screws, insert the batteries (pay attention to the + and - side of the batteries!) and tighten the screws again.
If you have done this correctly a green light will now blink on the bottom of the sensor. Place the outdoor module close to the main module.
9. Give the module a name if necessary.
10. The installation is complete, you will soon be able to view measurements in the app.